Leaves of Paja tree
Introduction: Nestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas, Paja, commonly known as the Himalayan Cherry Blossom or Wild Himalayan Cherry, graces the mountains with its spectacular blooms. Botanical name Prunus cerasoides , this plant is member in the family Rosaceae. The Botanical Beauty: Paja, a species of cherry native to the Himalayas, boasts stunning clusters of pink to white blossoms, transforming the mountainous regions into a sea of delicate petals during the spring season. Leaves are 2.5-4 cm, elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, closely doubly serrate, glabrous, shinning, petioles 1-1.5cm long, with 2-4 glands at the base, stipules are 6-8 inches long, feathery and glandular, feathery and glandular. Unlike other members of this family paja is in full bloom in autumn (October to November) when its others close relative have gone dormant and turned leafless. Paja thus defies nature by trying to create another spring in ...